CM - Thanks for taking the time out of your busy schedule to chat it up with us here at Captivate Magazine….
GR - No, thank you. I am honored that you even considered me.
CM - First things first, we saw your videos, more specifically, “How Bad Do You Want It (Success)” What motivated this video footage?
GR - Honestly, I had no idea that it would become what it has turned into. After the NFL Lockout had really delayed me entering into the league, I decided that a video would be a great way for me to keep myself motivated and study my own progress. When my friends at Greyskale put it together the way they did I was a little surprised myself.
CM - You have opened your life up to the public with the success of the video. How has it changed your life?
GR - This Video created a greater outlet for me to not only promote myself but for me to really motivate other people to work harder and strive for their own personal goals. This has in turn forced me to be even more consistent with my workouts because I know that I really have to practice what I preach. I have always been a hard worker but now that I have shown that to the entire world I feel like I cant take the words “no or
can’t” from anyone or anything especially from myself.