Photographer is Brandon Showers
Grooming: Chechel Joson/Dew Beauty Agency
CM - Are you single?
​TJ - After 6 years of saying yes to that question, I can finally say no.​
CM - When you are not working, what do you do in your spare time?
TJ - I like finding new restaurants, going to the gym, building legos.​
CM - What is stored on your DVR?
TJ - The Neighbors, anything with Anthony Bourdain, Fox's Animation Domination, Cartoon Network's DC Nation​
CM - When was the last time a woman gave you a compliment?
TJ - My mom says nice things to me everyday. I love her.​
CM - Do you have any future projects that you are at liberty to speak about?
TJ - Animals of Kin. Google it.​
CM - Tell us something no one knows about you.....
TJ - I tell people my favorite Ninja Turtle is Michelangelo. It's Leonardo.
CM - What are your plans for Valentine's Day?
TJ - Something involving a horse and chocolate I'm sure.​
CM - What is your favorite junk food?
TJ - I am passionately in love with kettle corn. There is a particular brand that I will drive out of my way for.​
CM - What is a pet peeve of yours?
TJ - When people walk around trying to have conversations while brushing their teeth.​
CM - Is there anything you would like to tell your fans out there?
TJ - Thank you, thank you, thank you​